Thursday, May 14, 2009

Shaikh Abd'al al- Qadir al- Jilani

Three things inevitably demand the attention of every believer under all circumstances:
A commandment to be obeyed,
a prohibition to be respected,
and a divine decree to be accepted with good grace.

In even the most trivial situation, at least one of the three is bound to apply. The believer must therefore keep his mind and feelings focussed upon them, talk to himself about them, and practice the physical discipline they require of him all the time.

Shaikh Abd'al al-Qadir al-Jilani,
in Futuh al- Ghaib," Revelations of The Unseen ".
Translated from Arabic by Muhtar Holland.


Anonymous said...

Haqqan Dr Nik, I mean Sheikh!

RahmatHarounHashim said...

Mengenai Al-Qadir al Jalani, pernah baca buku medievalnya, penuh Islamic mysticism. Kalau x salah, "Rahsia dalam Rashia", versi Indonesia.

Pearls and Gem said...

Secrets of secret
Sublime Revelations
Revelations of the Unseen

Great read all of them. Give you the other aspect of sufi life and philosophy. We are more used to hearing them 'walking on water' and 'flying to Mecca' for their friday prayer [ 'Penyakit Melayu, semua nak magic saja, kerja dan penghayatan lebih tak mahu ]

Mat Salleh juga akhirnya yang menggali 'pearls and gem' peninggalan pujangga2 hebat ini.

Dalam membincang pasal Imam Ghazali umpamanya setengah cerdik pandai kita menyimpang kearah perkara2 ranting dan terus push him into the 'dust bin of history' dengan ungkapan beliau terlalu banyak memakai hadith2 yang tidak soheh,

Kita pada umum nya janggal dengan pengetahuan.Akhirnya 'we fill the hall lining up to pay homage to the blind' and show utter disrespect to the sighted. Scenario biasa di alam Melayu, in all aspect of our life!

Ulama diketepikan. Pseudo ulama yang di ikut ikut.