Tuesday, July 30, 2019

manifestation of allah's beautiful names.........

this one  year i thought i have 'bala' raining down on me like nobody's business.
one after another. 1st that 'nasty letter' from lhdn ,in mid 2018, which relegated me now to being a permanent  employee' for the lembaga till 2024!!

then the nearly botched annual family umrah in december. 
following umrah, a rather protracted flu and bronchitis lasting months.
as if this is not enough, midway in the year i became a 'victim' to a phone scam which cost me quite a sum . 
looking back it was stupid of me!
those rascals sitting over one table having their late morning coffee must have enjoyed themselves immensely.

for those you guys who are going to be conned, my advice is to not bother about reporting it to the police.
buat sakit hati saja, 

" your loss is very small doc, 2 weeks ago a dato got conned for half a million rm! ", the inspector in his haste to finish his job, wrote your part, out of his previous case report! i caught him there, and he was not even embarassed.
to him, you are just another statistics for his yearly file audit.
no further investigations.

then followed by a horse riding accident that nearly landed myself a paraplegic.
a double major spinal operation with multi-level spinal fusion followed.
two months on, and i still has significant sciatica, and two intraspinal injections later, and three spinal mri and ct scans,i am still walking around like an OKU.
sciatica still persist!

a repeat  spinal surgery is in order in one to two weeks time.

after a lot of 'ya latif' and 'ya salam', i am still at a loss!

until this morning, shaykh mokhtar magrhoui's discourse on 'manifestations of allah divine names', give me a window of  greater spiritual understanding, mashaaallah

[  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u755g3fu6w&t=20s  ]

 along with HIS ya jameel and ya rahman, HE is also ya jalal..
HE is ya aziz, and also ya muntakim and ya mutakkabir.

as if these are not enough,HE is also ya jabbar and ya qahhar.....

what is meant to be, will be.
what is not meant to be, will not be.


now, my ya latif, ya latif ya latif ya latif.........ya salam , ya salam, ya salam , ya salam....
become more comprehensible....and more required.

ya allah,

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg1tek66Tqs  ]