Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Dear Maryam & Sarah


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my dear maryam & sarah,

both you young punks 'floored' atok last week when you guys asked atok about 'the arash'.

frankly, atok dont know exactly, where 'the arash' is as, its immensity is beyond atok's imagination.

but what atok know is that atok must pay your  school  at sungai buluh a visit, and congratulate both your class teachers......

for giving both atok's cucus great education and aqidah grouding,  at these tender age of 5 and 7 respectively. the founders and patrons of the school , syabass to them all!!

during atok's time at 7, atok's teacher was just teaching atok, " this is a man, and this is a pen. a man and

 a pen ", from the the then famous book from longman of uk.

this earth to both of you , and to even atok,is huge.....super, super  huge.

just to fly from KL to London will take minimum 14 hours and that is only around 8,000 kilometres 


but in the whole scheme of things,this planet earth is is very very tiny, just like a 

speck of dust, compared to the universe. 

the size of this universe is a figure with 25 zeros kilometres  behind that number, in dimension.

...and later in the year both your ugama teachwer will teach both of you a short ayat from surah al

 baqarah, ayat 255 to be precise, that is when you finish you muqaddam, insyaaallah.

in that ayat allah talks of HIS 'foot stool', known as 'the kursi'.

beyond the 'kursi' is the 'arash'

adults as old as atok, [and to you guys atok must be very very old, as you already consider both 

your parents already ancient ], had from time immemorial being arguing to no end about the

 nature of the 'kursi' and

 the 'arash', so if you two young guys cannot comprehend, it is nothing to worry about.

the 1st group of people  take the meaning of 'kursi' and 'arash', point blank, as what are

 mentioned in the quran.

the other group name called this group as the 'literalists'. another name given to them is '

 neosalafist '.

when the other group are  awee bit angrier and a wee bit impatient with thye 1st group because 

oftentimes the 1st group can behave like 'arseholes' and 'pain in the neck', the 2nd group called 

them 'wahabis'.

not a nice name to give,  a deragotory term, but that is the real world out there and even older

 people can got hot in between

 their collars!

the 2nd group, who like to call themselves, 'ahlil sunnah wal jamaah' think 'kursi' and 'arash',

 the understanding are much much beyond them, and that reflect the super immensity of allah's 

being and attributes.

a famous thinker and poet from amongst them known as rumi, 10 centuries ago, term it as 

'the place of the placeless, and a time of the timeless'.

more imaginative from amongst them put it in a more understanding way,[ as described in the utube ]

"imagine the universe as a ring, lost in the sahara desert...that sahara desert is the kursi.

now imagine the kursi as a ring. throw it in the sahara desert....that is the arash!! "

.....but they are quick to point out that this expression is only allegorical and figurative.

..........even at that  time and even with that expression,they feared to be termed

 'anthropomorphic' by later day people.

dont ask atok what 'anthropomorphic' means.

go ask your dad!


ps: " atok love you guys immensely!! "