friends , dato and tansri,
by nabi's own admission, near the end of time, we are 'gone cases'!
' oh my rabb, my nation, they dont listen to the qur'an ...' [ 26 : 25 ]
a dato paduka patient of mine the other day confided and asked me,
'doc, what do you think? ...i have been asked to join g25. i am a pensioner. i want to contribute.'
' dato....i am relatively ignorant about the fekah of this. you should ask qualified people like dato mufti harusani etc and etc.
i am sure they are knowledgeable and god fearing enough to give you an honest answer, not necessary to be a politically correct one...
but if you want my gut feeling,...... don't.
there are many ways people in your high position can contribute.
drawing 'lines in the sand' on important aqidah issues you are not familiar with at your age should not be one of them.
you dato' will be asked to explain in your later life
you will not at that time be able to hide behind any skirt or sarong!
you guys will all be naked! '
we move on to ayat 20 to 23.
dr nik
Date:14/12/2015 1:41 PM (GMT+08:00)
Subject: FW: let us get back to basic......surah al furqan, ayat 20 to 23
I must say that I disagree with you, Dr Nik, about your advice to the Dato patient of yours with respect to him joining G25.
We are accountable for ALL of our actions and if retirees who can contribute to society are silent for fear of the after life then our society will remain ignorant.
Surely ignorance and lettings things deteriorate in front of our eyes are worse in the eyes of the Almighty?
From: Nik Isahak Wan Abdullah
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: let us get back to basic......surah al furqan, ayat 20 to 23
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: let us get back to basic......surah al furqan, ayat 20 to 23
the dato paduka friend and patient of mine can agree to have his name signed in between the dotted lines
i agree.
but with a proviso.
a very big proviso.... he must know his ' ugama' well enough to ' draw lines in the sand '..
if he, like so many of us, are still stuck at the 'ablution phase' of his ugama, it would be better to remain quiet.
for his own posterity.
matters touching on religion , one cannot just 'play ,play'.
earlier in the surah we touch on an ayat that says to the effect ' some clowns may think what they say are inconsequentials, but that inconsequentials may land them in jahanam so deep that 50 years of brisk walking may not reach the top end or the bottom end '
dr nik
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: let us get back to basic......surah al furqan, ayat 20 to 23
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: let us get back to basic......surah al furqan, ayat 20 to 23
Hi Doc,
I understand that we of course should not be providing wrong information especially if we are not proficient in matters of agama and I agree totally with that. However, contribution to society of differing opinions is generally healthy and should be encouraged as I believe knowledge seeking should be a pillar of our approach to Islam which I personally think is missing from our society. We are too scared to ask the right questions to ulamas and scholars who at the end of the day are deeply entrenched within the corrupted system of government. Corruption is a sin which too many of us are blind to and I think this is plainly wrong. Our future generations of Malay muslims are more concerned about being covered but have no qualms in taking bribes, surely this is not what Islam is all about. If your patient is willing, he should be encouraged and not scared away. Will you sit by and let a Firaun take over our country?
-------- Original message --------
From: Nik Isahak Wan Abdullah
Date:14/12/2015 6:12 PM (GMT+08:00)
Subject: Re: let us get back to basic......surah al furqan, ayat 20 to 23
i can agree with you in part ....
corruption is certainly the biggest issue in malaysia now and for decades. there is total lack of political will to overcome it. and why not....... the chinese survive on it.
it is there in their blood.
there is no word like 'corruption' or 'heaven' or 'hell' in their vocab.
the political malays in amenu are addicted to it.
from top way down to the bottom.
it is there in their blood.
there is no word like 'corruption' or 'heaven' or 'hell' in their vocab.
the political malays in amenu are addicted to it.
from top way down to the bottom.
if a leader'songlap' 2 billion rm something and can escape with it , we cannot blame the ulama.
they have enough problems on their plate already, to address this problem.
we are all to be blamed.....typical 'malaysian tidakapathy'
we are all to be blamed.....typical 'malaysian tidakapathy'
malaysia is very lucky to have resilient, peace loving and resourcefull people.
in some other countries the leader would have by now being 'castrated' or something.
unfortunately we are run by a whole bunch of morons, daylight robbers and pirates!
just look at the clowning going on in dewan raayat!
we may have klcc and putrjaya with gleaming super structures but we are still bloody third world and too feudal for this 21st century, that i agree.
just look at the clowning going on in dewan raayat!
we may have klcc and putrjaya with gleaming super structures but we are still bloody third world and too feudal for this 21st century, that i agree.
and i say it again , we deserve the shit we deserve., because we continue to vote these clowns in, year in and year out.........
even if i wake up my wife at 3 am , she will mutter out, " amenu, amenu, amenu...oh darling, it is you! i was thinking of amenu.''.
i think same thing also happening with my two sisters who are full professors in their own right.
" amenu..amenu amenu...zzzzzzzzzz"
we can forgive if a visitor from planet mars now goes off with the impression that planet earth is actually a green planet with water and oxygen and everything but , zombies inhabiting it .....yes, if his spacecraft happened to land in this part of the word.
we are behaving like brain dead people.
all of us , malaysians.
even if i wake up my wife at 3 am , she will mutter out, " amenu, amenu, amenu...oh darling, it is you! i was thinking of amenu.''.
i think same thing also happening with my two sisters who are full professors in their own right.
" amenu..amenu amenu...zzzzzzzzzz"
we can forgive if a visitor from planet mars now goes off with the impression that planet earth is actually a green planet with water and oxygen and everything but , zombies inhabiting it .....yes, if his spacecraft happened to land in this part of the word.
we are behaving like brain dead people.
all of us , malaysians.
but to get back right on track in this discussion to g25, , back to the problem of unnecessary ulama' bashing by all and sundry, by the very people who should know better.
try put yourself also in harrusani's et al shoes and you can appreciate their predicament.
take the case of the yoga fatwa several years back.
they can spend days discoursing on it , calling several interest groups who have knowledge[ of course not necessarily calling clowns like zur...tan, who from her comment, one can surmise she know next to nothing about her ugama, and our sisters in and out islam etc etc and etc]
at the end of weeks of discourse they will have to come with a short advisory.......yes or no.
if they say no to yoga, they will bear the wrath of zur...tan, zaina apakahnamadiadah et al.
if thy say 'yes' to yoga they land up at the bottom most part of hell. even chaps like richard dawkins and his friend, christopher hichens, atheist numero uno, will be higher than them and staying in relative air conditioned 'rooms' compared to positions reserved for false scholars and errant muftis.
we have to pity them.
for the salaries they draw, their responsibilities are awesome.
they become punching bag for everyone.
the relative safety for my datuk paduka friend is to be non-commital.
jangan pandai2.
leave this 'drawing of lines in the sand' to people who think they are ' kebal' to withstand '1000 degrees centigrade of temperature and willing to bounced deep into hell and on reaching the bottom which take another 70 years, will bounce back up , another 70 years of bouncing , to be faced and clobbered by malaikat guarding the entrance, bouncing to and fro in limbo'
what i describe can be literal, figurative, allegorical, elliptical or all the above at the same.
our life beyond this life is totally beyond us but, but it is more real than this one!
nabi onced told us , ' we are living in an allusion, when we die, only then,we face reality...', or something to that effect.
contribute to soceity by all mean , but when come to ugama.....leave it to the discourse of the ulama.
malaysia is definitely not going to chop off people's hand or stone people to death just about now or even in 200 years time, i am sure.
but when people like g25 raise a dissent,, they are opening up islam to be debated by the gallery , 90 % of which are essentially secular and ignorant.
g25 should know better , since they claimed themselves to be muslims.
Date:14/12/2015 6:12 PM (GMT+08:00)
to, drnikisahak
Subject: Re: let us get back to basic......surah al furqan
Sorry to barge in but your discussion touched a raw nerve in me!
Talking of corruption I do agree that we Muslims should be concerned w ppl taking bribes and taking rakyaat's money. I thought G25 should be more concerned w corruption but what do you expect from ex-Govt service personnel.
I heard some stupid Umno member (cant remember who) has the gall to suggest that "Allah puts Najib as our PM". What stupidity..sorry to be judgmental but bodoh punya Melayu.
from :
to : hkasm
first and foremost i agree with you 100 %.
first and foremost i agree with you 100 %.
as i have said earlier, malaysia is very lucky, its people are both resourceful, resilient and sabr....
if the country is to depend on its leaders, we would be long bankcrupt.
we are run by a bunch of faceless morons, robbers and pirates!!
tak ada malu, maruah , and some would go further as to say, tak ada ugama...
to make matters worse, we have kangkong professors, kangkong journalists and columnists, and even recently, kangkong ulama' cum politicians from teganung, and even kangkong g25, kangkong igp and kangkong ag's office, very kangkong this last one.
like you i also wonder where have all the brilliant ex ambassadors, ex dg's , millionaires and billionaires and corporate wizards, gone to?
have they now in time of dire national need and dire emergency become just like lizards and termites disappearing into the wood work?
all here just only for the 'cari makan'?
shame on all of you guys!
expecting a tired old retired ex statesman, octogenarian at that, and a twenty plus housewife from langkawi to 'rock the boat', a boat full of shameless pirates and highwaymen. clowns who have no respect at all for rule of law, not an iota of maruah and shame!
yes, friends, dato and tansri...shame on all of us!
no 'amal makruf and nahi mungkar'.
tak ada malu, maruah , and some would go further as to say, tak ada ugama...
to make matters worse, we have kangkong professors, kangkong journalists and columnists, and even recently, kangkong ulama' cum politicians from teganung, and even kangkong g25, kangkong igp and kangkong ag's office, very kangkong this last one.
like you i also wonder where have all the brilliant ex ambassadors, ex dg's , millionaires and billionaires and corporate wizards, gone to?
have they now in time of dire national need and dire emergency become just like lizards and termites disappearing into the wood work?
all here just only for the 'cari makan'?
shame on all of you guys!
expecting a tired old retired ex statesman, octogenarian at that, and a twenty plus housewife from langkawi to 'rock the boat', a boat full of shameless pirates and highwaymen. clowns who have no respect at all for rule of law, not an iota of maruah and shame!
yes, friends, dato and tansri...shame on all of us!
no 'amal makruf and nahi mungkar'.
very sad.
dr nik
ps :
just as i was wondering how to connect the dot between tghh's official stand on publicly wanting to 'sleep with his previous enemies', and his now ailing divided party's future aspiration, doc rosli of harakah suddenly walked into my consultation room with his mrs.
'doc rosli, i cannot help but think that, indeed your boss is not in his early alzheimers....and if you can allow me to be generous , i propose tghh is more 'intelligent' and wise than what the young turks in his party are willing to consider.
it is possible that tghh is looking beyond najib, beyond 'time'. he is probably thinking that amenu may not sustain for much longer these ludicrous antics from their numero uno, that some bright young spark within the party will say enough is enough, and take the challenge.....ts my , from the look of it ,does not seem to have the wit and the brain power to sustain a challenge. he does not look clever so far, in all his actions. it has to be someone else.'
" yes, it is possible doc boss thinking that way..come to think about it it sounds plausible! "
' but doc rosli, there is a proviso in this line of thinking....,it assumes amenu can self correct itself. to me this look like an impossible gargantuan task. the ludicrity now is bordering lunacy.
but to be generous again to your boss, it would not be entirely his fault. even our nabi made some strategic mistake in posr badr war when he agreed with the consenses, first put forward by abu bakr, in bartering the 70 prisoners of war for cash. umar just wanted them to be put in a hole in the ground and be collectively burned alive.......i think doc rosli, you guys in pas has underated tghh greatly. that old man trust his 'fihrasat'.
even if his ijtihad is wrong, we all have to look at the other side of the equation........ i have a feeling he did not trust his young turks having the brain power to contain the bludgeoning dap within pakatan......and the pkr boys are too secular to even help pas the end of the day it may not be to the ummah's advantage...'
" doc nik, you should be in politics.. "
' no doc rosli, in my fihrasat, it would be more difficult to go to jannah as a politician. i would rather be rather just sell panadol as i am doing now'.
" by the way doc, how is my heart and diabetes...? "
' excellent doc...your hbaic , i give Aplus today!'
dr nik
ps :
just as i was wondering how to connect the dot between tghh's official stand on publicly wanting to 'sleep with his previous enemies', and his now ailing divided party's future aspiration, doc rosli of harakah suddenly walked into my consultation room with his mrs.
'doc rosli, i cannot help but think that, indeed your boss is not in his early alzheimers....and if you can allow me to be generous , i propose tghh is more 'intelligent' and wise than what the young turks in his party are willing to consider.
it is possible that tghh is looking beyond najib, beyond 'time'. he is probably thinking that amenu may not sustain for much longer these ludicrous antics from their numero uno, that some bright young spark within the party will say enough is enough, and take the challenge.....ts my , from the look of it ,does not seem to have the wit and the brain power to sustain a challenge. he does not look clever so far, in all his actions. it has to be someone else.'
" yes, it is possible doc boss thinking that way..come to think about it it sounds plausible! "
' but doc rosli, there is a proviso in this line of thinking....,it assumes amenu can self correct itself. to me this look like an impossible gargantuan task. the ludicrity now is bordering lunacy.
but to be generous again to your boss, it would not be entirely his fault. even our nabi made some strategic mistake in posr badr war when he agreed with the consenses, first put forward by abu bakr, in bartering the 70 prisoners of war for cash. umar just wanted them to be put in a hole in the ground and be collectively burned alive.......i think doc rosli, you guys in pas has underated tghh greatly. that old man trust his 'fihrasat'.
even if his ijtihad is wrong, we all have to look at the other side of the equation........ i have a feeling he did not trust his young turks having the brain power to contain the bludgeoning dap within pakatan......and the pkr boys are too secular to even help pas the end of the day it may not be to the ummah's advantage...'
" doc nik, you should be in politics.. "
' no doc rosli, in my fihrasat, it would be more difficult to go to jannah as a politician. i would rather be rather just sell panadol as i am doing now'.
" by the way doc, how is my heart and diabetes...? "
' excellent doc...your hbaic , i give Aplus today!'