Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Most Successful Lorry Driver In Malaysia.....


...." You are doing well Eddy, can I refer you for further follow  up at Sungai  Buluh Hospital? "

" Biarkan lah Doc, disini berkat..."

That was 10 years on, when I initially , mentally, on statstical basis, dilated congestive heart failure like his , with an LV ejection of just 20 %, I gave him only, 12 months at best, way back in 2001..

People,  honest and uncomplaining like Eddy Warman, keeps me still practising......basic people with good hearts and souls. It warms my soul to be in contact and able to do my bit for such people...

There is value added meaning to my own existence.

PS :

Eddy is no longer under my follow up  about 10 years. His 3 daughters are all 'pakar' in specialties of their choice. Enche Hairuddin, a family friend just rang me to tell, Eddy is still going strong and still driving his lorry.

That  to me is a world record of sort. A chap with 20 % LVEF, going on for over 20 years now.


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