Sunday, April 12, 2009

Running naked in the park...........

" As long as Muslims make a mockery of Islam and show no respect to the teaching of Islam, that will be how long non- Muslims will look down on Islam and consider the religion a total joke. And this is not the fault of non-Muslims. This is the fault of the Muslims. When you run naked in the street and have sexual intercourse on a park bench, can you blame passers-by for thinking you may not be right in the brain? "

YM Raja Petra, like Farish Noor, yet another 'gallery' specialist.


Anonymous said...

Aah sejak bila pulak abang half Aussie sebuk pasal ugama? Dia tu sesat nak betulkan orang.masuk ISA dulu guna contact DYMM untuk lepas.Orang lain merana berbulan bulan.Bukankah dia sepupu Sultan Sharafuddin dan sekolah di uk sama Sultan Mizan? kencing kat muka tu baru tau..maaf ye Dr Nik, orang alim waktu saya kecil dulu
du kata setengah orang kena di maki baru dia sedar diri dia di mata Allah..wallahuaklam.

RahmatHarounHashim said...

Dear Nik,

I tumpang baca saja.
Tapi bila orang Islam menghalalkan "SEDEKAH SEKS". Dan menjunjung penerima sedekah seks, apa dah jadi pada orang Islam jenis itu?

Pearls and Gem said...

Well, you are partly correct and I totally agree with you.Too many of us rather play to the gallery and Petra is one of them I have dedicated one writeup in this blog for Petra sort of people: May 18th 2008 , "A Day in the Life of a Ritual Muslim "ie 'real ritual Muslim ,not those who feel proud they can'drink' and be merry and smash ulamak around and play to the gallery and still insist they are in fact the perfect Muslims.

Having said that, there is some truth in his recent comment, kita Melayu banyak penyakit. If we are such good examples dah ramai sangat dah orang Cino di Malaysia ni masuk Islam.