Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Prof Hamka : A Man beyond his Time....

Let us take a very very short glimpse of how the late Prof Hamka 'treat' Ayat 101 from Surah Al Maida, 5 : 101, to get into the mind of one of the tafseer genius that this Nusantara ever had in our present time. Prof Hamka's Tafseer Al Azhar is very much under rated..... it is contemporary ,it is not 'salafi', it cannot be good, it is etc etc and etc is Malay. Dah jadi penyakit Melayu dah....We are expert at self deprecation!

"O ye who believe! Ask not of things which, if they were made known unto you, would trouble you; but if ye ask of them when the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be made known unto you. Allah pardoneth this, for Allah is Forgiving, Clement. (101)"

...Larangan bertanya bertalu talu ini yang akan mempersukarkan keadaan sendiri itulah telah diperkuatkan oleh beberapa hadis yang Sahih. Satu diantaranya kita salinkan, iaitu satu dari hadis Arbai'in[catatan Imam Nawawi] yang terkenal:
" Sesunggohnya Allah telah mewajibkan beberapa kewajipan,maka jangan lah kamu sia siakan. Dan dia telah mengadakan beberapa batasan, maka janganlah kamu melampauinya. Dan Dia telah mengharamkan beberapa hal, maka jangan kamu langgarkan akan dia. Dan Dia telah diam dari beberapa hal,sebagai rahmat buat kamu, bukanlah kerana Dia lupa.Maka janganlah kamu cari cari daripadanya"

Back to the followers of Mosses who asked him about the sacrificial calf: Sir, is it yellow, blue or red? Old can or not? Male or female? What about blue?...If dont do can or not?"................[ this is my addition, because it rather tiresome to listen to people discussing about the intricacies of taking wudhu', which do not seem to end probably till Doomsday!We Malays seem to specialise and make things so difficult for us, going round and round in circles.....orang lesap satu squadron skyhawks , no one seem to bother... ]

Dalam hal duniawi, urusan susunan pemerintahanpun demikian pula. Ada orang bertanya: " Apakah Islam, apakah Nabi Muhammad tidak meninggalkan satu konsepsi tentang bentuk pemerintahan? Apakah Islam memakai Parleman atau Senat? Apakah ada pemilihan umum atau penunjukan Kepala Negara. Padahal Nabi sengaja tidak meninggalkan konsep itu bukan kerana Islam tidak cukup, tetapi memberi kebebasan kita mengatur dunia kita sebagai hadis yang dirawikan olih Imama Ahmad:
"Kamu lebih tahu keadaan dunia kamu"

Yang ditinggalkan Rasulallah hanyalah satu:Syura,musyawarat. Bagaimana cara tekniknya, terserahlah kepada kecerdasan sendiri, menilik ruang kamu dan waktu kamu. Islam membuka pintu ijtihad dalam urusan keduniaan itu sedalam-dalamnya.Kalau tidak begitu sudah lama Islam ini gulung tikar.

Dalam soal ibadat misalnya, pun demikian pula. Keterangan darihal wudhu' begitu nyata sekali dan mudah dalam Al Quran.Demikian juga dari hal Tayamum.Tetapi banyak ulama' membuat sendiri berbagai pertanyaan dengan khayalannya, sehingga mempersukarkan wudhu' dan tayamun. Mengaji perkara air saja memakan waktu berbulan, bahkan bertahun. Dan di zaman dahulu mempersukar itu di namakan Alim. Sehingga waktu sangat banyak terbuang, lantaran itu orang tak berani berijtihad:
Lantaran itu maka kita mendapat kesimpulan dari ayat ini. Cerdaskan fikiran, teguhkan takwa kepada Allah, tekunkan beribadat dan jangan banyak tanya yang bukan bukan!
[ my God ! these 'kampong fuqahas can make a meal out of it !...again , my private comment , not Hamka's.  Masaalah 'hati' dan qalb, they are not interested.....  ]

Masyaallah!.........That is why I still read and read and re read Hamka.........he is beyond his time and and his Tafseer is better than GOOD! I have read Katsir, Syed Qutb and compare them .....Hamka is closer to us and give more understanding about the contemporary problems facing our ummah with both relevant interpretations, bridging the salafi and the modern.

Try Hamka for size. Make Hamka your companion and friend. I can gurantee you ,your life will never be the same! I started reading Hamka's tafseer at age 30, reread it at 40, and now never getting tired rereading it at 57!....You get history, world and regional politics,loads of Hadiths , gharib hasan and all the jazz,salafi views and contemporary views, even science!

Huwallahualam !

1 comment:

Pearls and Gem said...

A good friend of mine retorted back that reading is not enough... one has to sit back and think and ponder and at the end of the day faith depends on Allah is Allah's gift

Yes he is very right. But Allah did not start His 1st message to our Prophet with IQRA[ Read ]....for nothing...

Read, Read Read....then cerebrate...
Faith is His preserve and gift....If you do not even read how would you start thinking....