.....a good friend of mine, the late Ahmad Ramli Zakaria, an ardent bike enthusiast, asked me a decade ago, '' How come Doc, you say our children and wives can be a fitnah to us ! ? "
" I dont say that Li, Allah said so....just look at most of our top politicians, cabinet ministers and pm's, past and almost,even present......they have pillaged, and hoarded the nations wealth for themselves and families, some even beyond three generations 'makan pun tak habis', if not reminded properly by the raaayat at the polls or on social media..........salah haribulan , these very same wives and children may even burden them in their alam barzark and the hereafter, for not giving them prior proper religious guidance and 'education'....Depa ingat jadi father ni senang...not accountable for their offsprings and wives wrongdoings...."
[ bini celupar mulut,tak solat, suami yang kena; anak perempuan pakai tak senonoh,ayah yang kena; anak isteri guna harta sang ayah untuk perkara2 non syariah compliant pun, semasa sang ayah dan suami masih hidup atau mati pun, dia kena jugak.....no joke jadi ayah dan sang suami............Sang bapa nya redah hidup, cari makan, tak kira riba, halal haram, korupsi dan harta negara, tak kira, semua dia bedal, demi perceived kesejahteraan isteri dan anak2........ini yang dinamakan fitnah, selain dari yang dikupas olih hamka ]
Betul tu
Of course blame the wives and children for some greed the man harboured.
take time to listen to the tafsir sister.
u dont have to be angry with me.....
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