Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Conversations on Islam: Buff Parry on the Rise of Islam


Anonymous said...

Haqqan. He speaks the truth, except he is mistaken in saying that Ali was Muhammad's nephew.He was in fact a cousin, his father Abu Talib being prophet Muhammad's paternal uncle.
from Hafiz Al Masri Assubangi
(Hafiz who used to live in Egypt and now he is in subang)

Pearls and Gem said...

Yes,Fiz...probably a slip of the tongue. Nice though occsionally to have a Mat Salleh speak up for Islam.Many otherwise know too much but their hearts and soul blunted and closed to Islam[ vis a vis the orientalists]
Back home I often ask why our Chinese or Indian friends are so 'shut out' to Islam[ you certainly know what I mean]...probably also because we are such bad examples. That probably contribute significantly.
I had a conversation with a Chinese Muslim acupunterist, 'Dr' Hassan from China and he has this to say:The local Chinese look down on Malays, given their long cultural heritage etc etc,and since Malay here is synonamous to being Muslim, by national definition,the idea of 'Masuk Islam' does not seem attractive.
On the other hand apa lagi depa nak kita buat,sampai kita sekarang ni pun 'menumpang duduk di veranda' di rumah sendiri.
At the end of the day we are blessed to have Islam.Hanya pendekatan kita harus diperhalusi. Itu yang perlu ilm, ilm ilm dan ilm.Tak cukup dengan ikut apa yang nenek moyang buat sahaja.
If we want to 'play in that field' that Imam Ghazali alluded to in my earlier blog, we have to follow what the 1st ayat yang di turunkan kepada Nabi kita:Iqra' iqra and Iqra'.....