Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Lina Joy Case : What It meant To us as Parents

Friends ,

Just finished suboh prayer and feeling quite satisfied as
parent'dapat kejut anak perempuan yang masih sekolah darjah 4 sembahyang
bersama . .Isteri yang tercinta masih enak dengan mimpi2 beliau .Bujang yang
dua orang lagi tak gerenti boleh catch up dengan suboh sebab when I woke up
earlier to hear the lilting rendition of qari Mishari Rashid of surah Al
Noor from www.quranexplorer at 4 am ,they were just going to bed ,thanks to

If that sounds familiar ,mine is probably just an average upper middle class KL family with both parents on the wrong side of 50.Perhaps we guys just hitting 55 are just too sensitive with
what we have 'acheived ' or not acheived on the 'non material' aspect of family upbringing,or just thinking laterally the
'karat2' jahiliah which we have collected or have not erased over the
accumulating years .Looking this way ,life can be a wee bit depressing .Ah !
Just the mild deppression of the passing years .

Suddenly my thoughts went the direction of Lina Joy .How is this
seeminly simple and average Quran reading, kampong girl brought up in typical average
'Malay' way in Setiu,Terengganu ,now coping with life ? Hati batu kah dia sampai bolih
meninggalkan keluarga yang tercinta dan akidah yang solid dan seterusnya
berpegang kepada aqidah trinity yang begitu pagan sekali ? Apakah parent
beliau beri over 25 years or so sampai jiwa beliau begitu kosong sekali
dapat meninggalkan Islam dan berpegang kepada dahan yang rapuh .

On that count I could recollect a casual conversation I had with a young French lady somewhere
near Toulouse while visiting an old chateau some years back while on National duty riding for the country in rural France .I asked her whether France" is
unofficially Catholic" .She proudly replied the French on the whole has
unshackled themselves from the paganism of Trinity and 'we are proud to be
secular ' .And here we have Lina Joy coming down from the very height of
darul Islam into darul Trinity .What has gone wrong ???

Blame Jais ,Mais, Kais ,Nais , ,Blame the Prime Minister ,blame the
education system ??? Blame ourselves .Yes ,blame ourselves ."Kita Melayu banyak penyakit" .Sorry boss ,I dare say again , "Kita Melayu banyak penyakit "

.As parents we failed to impart the
spirit of Islam to our offspring .Macamana kita nak bagi spirit of Islam to
them when we ourselves hanya mengenal Islam hanya pada kulitnya sahaja. Nak
berguru malas ke masjid berbaik2 dengan ulamak .Nak baca kitab2 tafsir dan
writings on Islam ramai dari kita masih berpegang kepada konsep nak belajar
ugama ''mesti dengan guru member !"" Kalau tidak sesat .Bodoh tak apa asal
jangan terlalu pandai ,takut sesat .What bloody nonsense .!

Hingga quran pun
takut nak pergi dekat takut salah 'dengung ' nanti berdosa .Macammana nak
dapat spirit of Islam .Lebih2 lagi macamana nak bawa keluarga kearah Islam ?
.Itu at the personal level .

At the official level lain pula penyakitnya .Our leaders takut dengan Islam.Curricullum ugama di sekolah2 hanya bagus untuk parrot .The masses should not know the real Islam ,kalau tidak susah leaders nak cari 'makan' .

I was surprised when my wife told me in a casual conversation {conversation
dengan bini sekarang casual saja } that a freind of hers told her that a
certain dato is currently feeling depress pasal baru pencen dah hilang sayap
tak ada power .I tanya apa kerja beliau dulu .Jawab beliau chairman of the
state Religious authority .Orang ugama kah dia . Tidak !! Masyaa llah !!.At
the official level ini pula penyakit nya . The meek in charge of 'ugama'.

Dr Nik Howk

15th January 2008

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